St. John's C.E. Primary School

Breakfast & After School Club

St John’s Breakfast and After School Clubs are managed and run by staff members and are for all children aged 3-11.  The clubs are held in the Learning Space; however, children also get to enjoy the playgrounds and other areas around the school.

Breakfast and After School Clubs have a fixed cost of £5.50 for the first child and £4.50 each for additional siblings per hour. This includes snacks, supervision and a variety of activities.

Payment can be made via our online school payment system – SchoolMoney.  We also accept a variety of childcare vouchers – please check whether the provider is registered with us.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs from 7.40am to 8.40am and children must be dropped off between 7.40am-8am.  The club offers cereal, toast, fruit and a selection of drinks.

After School Club

After School Club runs from 3.20pm to 5.30pm.  The cub offers a variety of snacks such as crackers and cheese, bagels, fruit and a selection of drinks.


Any children attending the club must have an adult-completed registration form; this can be downloaded below or a paper copy can be requested via the school office.