St. John's C.E. Primary School

Types of Governors

The Governing Board

The Governing Board of St John’s C.E. Primary School has twelve (12) governors, as defined by its Instrument of Government. All governors are volunteers and consist of 8 foundation governors and 6 representative governors.

Foundation Governors

The foundation governors are categorised as follows:

  • 2 are nominees of the London Diocesan Board for Schools;
  • 3 are nominees of the Parochial Church Council of St John the Apostle Church, Whetstone;
  • 1 is elected by the Deanery/Synod; and
  • 1 is the incumbent vicar of St John’s Church as ex officio foundation governor

Representative Governors

The representative governors comprise the following:

  • 1 Executive Headteacher
  • 1 nominated by the local authority
  • 1 elected by the staff
  • 2 elected by the parents

We also have associate members of the Governing Board who serve on one or more Governing Board committee in order to bring their expertise. They may also attend Full Governing Board meetings but are not governors.  They are permitted to vote on the committee of which they are a member but are not permitted to vote at Full Governing Board meetings.


By law, every Governing Body must have a clerk. The clerk’s role centres on governing body meetings – to inform governors of the meeting, to prepare and distribute the agenda, to write the minutes, to give procedural advice at the meeting and to carry out follow-up correspondence.

Our current clerk is Clerks Associates.

Terms of Office

Governors can be appointed to a term of office from 1 to 4 years.  Each year, the Board elect a Chair and Vice Chair and committee members elect the Chairs of Committees.